IoT Security Risks: Five Best Practices for Threat Mitigation in 2023

 The Cyber Express delves into the importance of IoT security and provides five best practices that organizations should consider in 2023 to help mitigate potential attacks

Everything in your house being connected to the internet – your coffee machine, thermostat, fridge, car, even your toothbrush – is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Internet of Things (IoT) is a reality, and it has become an indispensable part when it comes to organized businesses and services.

“Over 80% of large companies around the world are adopting IoT solutions, stoking an “invisible revolution” that will reach 94% of enterprises in two years,” Microsoft assessed in 2019. Post-Covid digital transformation put the IoT adaptation levels on steroids.

However, this massive integration came a significant cost: security

“Organizations across industries are fighting a continuously growing rate of attacks targeting their data. There has also been a nearly 50 percent increase in insider threats over the past two years,” reported Solutions Review in March 2023.

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